Friday, September 3, 2010

Sake Party 2010

1. Now you go

out into the sun

to meet your ultimate


2. You should have a sake straw

for sucking off the table.

3. Baby disappoints,

can’t hold a steady job.

Such a bad baby.

4. Tiny man judges.

Why is Ramirez so stern?

Fold your arms and frown.

5. Now who needs a cup?

How the fuck are you losing

all those goddamn cups?

6. Give me a break man.

Counting syllables is hard.

Fuckin drink the sake.

7. Pennsic wind blows across the Serengetti.

Sake is drank here.

8. Puking area

versus makeout area:

everybody wins!

9. Splash! Scott poops a poop.

Terrible things in small room

with a tiny hole.

10. Baby disappoints.

Did not bring sake to us.

Baby fails a lot!

11. What time is it now?

Only JJ Rooks knows that.

Stupid JJ Rooks.

12. Timecube leads the way.

Do not heed evil one-ism -

dunce educators!

13. Head is always head!

I will hold my beard away,

it will feel so good.

14. Ich, ni, ich ni san..!

Wait the song does not work out.

Oh well whatever.

15. It looks like someone

has a case of the mundies!

Haha ha haha!

16. Contract glutes a bit,

constipation and anger.

We’re kind of racist?

17. Sake is delicious.

Please may I have another.

Don’t touch my moustache.

18. Guy in front of camp,

JJ Rooks is his new name

(he puts up with us).

19. Good idea Lothar.

You should grab a bunch of snacks.

The peanuts delight.

20. Counting up to five

then counting up to seven -

look, I made haiku.

21. Sake smooth and hot.

Ramirez cannot be here,

We will drink for him.

22. I’m at Pennsic, yo.

Sake parties are gangsta.

You feel me? For real.

23. Tiny beady eyes.

Disappointed general.

Stares you into shame.

24. Pleasant Pennsic night.

We followed dancing druids,

antlers were clicking.

25. This party is good

but there is something missing.

Where’s the big titties?

26. Solving mysteries

will the great dane crack the case?

Or just Scrappy Do?

27. Nonconsensual:

that is why they call it rape.

(That’s why it’s called rape.)

28. Birth does not bring an

adult mind into this world.

You are dunce child.

29. Nigori sake

a cool departure from hot.

Revelries at noon.

30. Bad Idea Vodka:
“It’s okay, we forgive you.”
They’re the best ideas.

31. Sing: more itchy toes
(this song makes no fucking sense)
reach into the sky!

32. The spirit was willing
but the forest was barren -
lightning bolt denied.

33. Sake spilled is bad.

It goes into your vat in hell.

Want to drink it now.

34. Puking area

will be my destination

if I stay too long.

35. Protein deficient.

Situation remedied

all over her face.

36. Nigori sake:

do not pour it on your face.

Drink the cum shot up.

37. Mister Giggleface

loves to drink hot sweet sake.

Belly samurai

38. Time Cube gods hear me -

live fourth-dimensionally.

Murder the dunce.





40. Chinese king named Wang

Salty river floods the fields,

two advisors drown.

41. Lightly dappled trees

Between the people and the

clouds that float on by

42. She had no nickname.

Now she’s “Poem 35.”

She learned her lesson.

43. Zardoz is your god

Guns are good, penis evil!

Excuse me sir, what!?

44. Drinking my poem

It tastes like a lead pencil

I hope it’s toxic

45. Drank the heat away

My feet resting in toe cubes

Fuck you, hot Pennsic

46. The euphemisms

They keep on multiplying

All these terms for poop.

47. Meniscus for you

Your ass should be here next year

Ramirez is missed

48. The song shall release

The drink that will deliver

The cheer that we want

49. Ramirez is great

Really missed you at sake

You Spanish peacock

50. I give you a tleat

You want snacky snacky yah?

You will now a eat???

51. Maggie likes sake

She is way too young to drink

But she is so cute

52. Come on kids grow up

I bet that vodka was just

fifty proof, fuck you!

53. Make out area

sure looks enticing to me

will you join me, Nick?

54. How loud is our group

This one goes to eleven

Dancing behind bards

55. When you think

you weaken the link

56. Now I understand

His name is Robert Paulsen.

In death we have names.

57. Gina calls me names

Her drinking cup is empty;

for now I am safe.

58. I don’t call you names

My name’s Gina Ciani

Now I go to hug!

59. Mo ichi do

My cup sails the wide ocean

One ounce at a time

60. Whispers go unheard

talking ginger in my mouth

stuck words, sticky belly

61. Summer field, hot skin

Orange flames drawn not so near

Yearning for darkness fall.

62. Holy crap it’s hot

Need less talky more sake

My cup’s still empty.

63. Drum skins beaten by

One hundred parties at night

Fire brings us light

64. Lisen is classy

Well, until I slapped her butt

She still pours sake

65. This is so angry

Nothing dry about that hug

Side-saddle works well

66. Sake made me sick

I drank like fourteen gallons

Guess it was my fault

67. Gina says I should

let Nack come on my boobies

But no pony rides

68. Drinking drinking yeah!

It is kind of fun and bad!

What the kampai!

69. Walk the roads of Pennsic

Then cry in your bed at night

Wake in the morning hungover

70. Gabe cannot tell time

He showed up like three hours late

Without any booze

71. Crash! Nack fell over

Too much sake for that man

Now he wants this book

72. Grace, Bill in the front

Who wrote this goddamn notebook

Where is my drink at?

73. Nick’s writing sucks ass.

I surely have to piss now.

Take off Lisen’s shirt.

74. I am so damn drunk

Obliterated surely

Sake is the shit

75. Someone else should write

I am decidedly drunk.

Ha the weet (no idea)

76. Underwear is shown

Promises are made with winks

I fear that I’ll wake up.

77. A sea of convas

Fires reach towards the night’s

sky of heaven’s stars.

78. Pretty music plays

We are all really drunk now

We need more haikus

79. Down to the last three

One will win, one will fail miserably

One will say “fuck off.”

80. Sitting amongst art.

Awesomeness surrounding me.

Peace penetrates me.

81. Brotherhood abound.

Depth in our relationships.

Friends or family?

82. Wholeness in our hearts.

Passion, meaning, what we seek.

Completeness is ours.

83. Our dreams embiggen

our our lives in what they may be

substance everywhere

84. I seek what is lost

A harmony throughout self.


85. Foolish new guy speaks

I need some food for more thought

Insult him later.

86. I like Joe’s haiku

It stirs me unto my core

Better than poop jokes.

87. Pickle juiciness

I need to take a shower

Very drunk shower

88. The number of keys

on my favorite object

It’s my second love

89. No pickle cordial

To the field it should not go

Joe will not survive

90. Cordial up the hill

I can’t walk in a straight line

But still I can roll

91. Poop jokes now return

scatological delight

Eight dollar ticket!

92. The makeout tent

is full of what I wish for.

Why close the windows?

93. Lightning blot on chest

Yes a storm blows in my heart

I’m caught in the storm

94. Nylon shields kisses

A tent to shield the voyeurs

Doesn’t slake my wants

95. Sustenance is good

Oh yeah! sustenance is goooood...

Sustenance is good

96. Goddamn my feet hurt

I should have got my flip flops

Time for painful walks

97. The bread bowl is great

So is this fuckin’ pizza.

JJ walks and eats.

98. Photo of Scott’s penis

Gina’s camera taken

What the hell happened?

99. Natalie with Joe

My god what did we do?

Bloody corpses dead.

100. This is the last one

Haiku is hard to do, man

So go fly a kite